What is Going to be the Next Innovation in Kiteboarding?

Kiteboarding remains one of the quickest-growing water sports in the world. With its recent inclusion in the Olympics, the sport of kiteboarding is likely to grow in popularity even more. As with most markets, the more popular it is, the more the market starts to innovate itself.

One key innovation has been on the safety of kiteboarding. While extremely fun, kiteboarding doesn’t come without its risks. For one, you’re harnessed to a 10-meter kite. On a particularly windy day, you might find yourself launching high in the air and receive a rough ride back to the water.

There’s also the problem with lift-off. In some cases, the kite might not be able to lift you at all from the water. As a result, your head is dropped below the water. With your body on the board, it may be impossible for you to get your head above water. Drowning is one of the most common causes of death in the sport of kiteboarding.

Besides safety, the next innovation is likely to come from the materials used in the boards. Currently, kiteboarding is quite expensive. That’s primarily due to the materials that are used to create the board, kite, and harness. Kiteboard enthusiasts want manufacturers to find a more cost-effective or cost-friendly way to create the equipment.

By driving the price down on the equipment, the sport can open up to more people. Kids may be able to get started with kiteboarding more easily. They can then become athletes and perhaps even find themselves competing in the Olympics one day.

Others may have their eye on kiteboarding apparel. Because it’s possible to be ripping through the waves at great speeds, it’s always recommended that you wear some kind of protective clothing. Yet few options exist. An innovation here is desired by many.

Finally, it’s only a matter of time before technology is integrated with kiteboarding. Whether it be drone-related or some other kind of AI-powered board, you’re sure to see some innovation utilize the latest technology.

Top 4 Upcoming Innovations In Kiteboarding

According to this video, there are quite a few innovations and trends that kiteboarders can expect.

1. Wing Foil

One of them is Wing Foil. This new innovation combines both kiteboarding and windsurfing. By holding onto a wide kite, boarders are able to direct their movement by manipulating how they hold their kite. This is a great innovation for those who are new to kiteboarding and aren’t quite sure if they want to make the investment yet or tie themselves to a floating kite.

2. E-Coil

Another upcoming innovation is the E-Coil. This is an electronic kiteboard that allows you to still enjoy boarding even if the wind dies down. Some use the E-Coil to help learn how to balance on their board before using a kite. Others are using the E-Coil as a sort of towing mechanism to help launch them for a surf on the waves. Clearly, there is plenty of utilization for this electric board.

3. Emphasis on Light-Wind Conditions

Many manufacturers are also developing better kites and boards to deal with light-wind conditions. Nothing is more disappointing than to arrive at the beach only to find that the wind isn’t optimal for kiteboarding. Changing how heavy certain materials are can help kites catch even the slightest wind.

Besides lighter materials, some companies are also tackling the problem of light wind by increasing the size of their kites. With a larger size, the kite is able to catch more wind and allow the boarder to keep surfing through the waves.

4. Comfort and Ease with Boots

Finally, many brands are also looking at making their boots more comfortable and easy to clip into and out of. With wider boots, you can ensure that your foot can fit snugly inside while still being firmly attached to the board.

Better clipping also makes getting attached and detached to your board simpler than ever. When you need to quickly remove yourself from your board for a safety reason, easy clipping is a must-have.

What Were The Top Innovations So Far?

Some top innovations that have recently been released are the Ploota and Kalypse suit. Ploota is a lifejacket that kiteboards can wear that limits the chances of drowning. Designed in response to watching many of his own relatives almost drown, Rainer Fakesch designed a comfortable lifejacket that you can wear around your neck.

Equipped with sensors, the lifejacket self-inflates after a few minutes of being submerged under the water. There’s also a button you can push in the middle that allows you to manually inflate the lifejacket if needed.

Kalypse, on the other hand, has started creating a custom-made kiteboarding suit. These suits are tailor-made to the individual. Mixing both aesthetic appeal with comfort, these kiteboarding suits can make kiteboarding more enjoyable and less abrasive on the skin.

Besides looking great, the suit is able to be customized in different ways. One manner is in the suit’s thickness. Whether you want a thin suit for maximum flexibility or a thicker suit for better protection, the choice is entirely up to you.

Kiteboarding Trends

Trends for kiteboarding have been geared towards safety, popularity, and its new recognition as an Olympic sport. Besides just coasting along the waves on a kite, many kiteboarders love to perform tricks. Similar to skateboarding or snowboarding, kiteboarding emphasizes performing certain maneuvers after launching themselves in the air.

The Olympics are likely going to open the doors to kiteboarding for several people who were, as of yet, unaware of the sport. A surge in even more popularity is on the horizon.

Another trend is in safety. With more people learning about kiteboarding, boarders and businesses want to make sure that the sport is safe for everyone. That includes creating new inventions like a sort of seatbelt that makes harnessing to a kite easier to do or undo.

Finally, many manufacturers are trying to create boards for multi-use.