Should You Wear A Bathing Suit Kayaking?

Whether or not you should wear a bathing suit depends on the kind of kayaking you intend to do. For example, if you want to kayak on whitewater rapids, then a bathing suit is recommended. Those who are kayaking in calmer conditions, however, can wear whatever they like. Some may enjoy wearing a bathing suit because it’s possible that some water may leak into the boat. You’ll be sprayed with water by your paddle from time-to-time and that water can start to collect in the cabin of the kayak. Wearing bathing suit bottoms, at the very least, can ensure you remain comfortable.

Unless you don’t mind your clothes becoming wet, you’ll want a bathing suit to better absorb the water. Rapids will splash tons of water on you. You may also find yourself briefly submerging under the water.

If you want to wear normal clothes while kayaking, you’ll want to stay away from cotton. It can take cotton a long time to try and isn’t always the most comfortable thing to wear when it’s wet. Instead, you’ll want to wear clothes that are meant for athletic sports. In particular, look for clothes that defend against sweat.

What Should A Beginner Wear Kayaking?

Starting out, beginners should likely don a bathing suit. You may find yourself getting wetter than you realized. You’ll also want to wear a hat and some sunglasses if you’re kayaking on calm waters. On sunny days, you’ll have the sun beating down on the top of your head. Unless you happen to remember to put suntan lotion on your ears and the back of your neck, that entire area will be exposed to the sun.

Sunglasses are also necessary. The sun reflects brightly against the water. To avoid damaging your eyes, sunglasses are a must-have.

You may also want to bring a bag that has water, snacks, and other waterproof items in it. The bag, itself, should be waterproof. You can always put your cellphone and other non-waterproof items inside of zip lock bags and place those in the waterproof bag as well.

Finally, every beginner should wear a rash guard. You’ll want to have a life preserve jacket on for your first few times kayaking–if not every kayaking journey. With the motion of your paddle, you can start to chafe against the jacket. You may also find that your wrists or arms chafe against the paddle as well.

Using a rash guard on these contact areas can avoid blisters and allow you to kayak even longer.

Do You Wear Shoes When Kayaking?

This is a matter of preference. Some kayakers like to keep their shoes on because it ensures they have a firmer grip on the boat when they step in and out of it. Others wear water shoes instead of normal shoes. These shoes are built to absorb water and not become damaged if submerged in the water.

These are a better option for beginners since you’re still learning how to safely get in and out of a kayak. You may accidentally slip or fall into the water. While you would otherwise ruin your normal shoes, your water shoes will remain on your feet and stand up against the water.

Some water shoes can also help you swim. If you’re worried that you may tip over and end up in the water, then those shoes can be a great help in getting you back to your kayak or the shallows.

Can You Kayak Barefoot?

You can absolutely kayak barefoot. In fact, some kayakers prefer to kayak barefoot. Kayaking barefoot has a few advantages. For one, you don’t have to worry about losing your shoes if you end up tipping. Nor do you have to worry about ruining your shoes if you accidentally spillover.

Because some kayakers like to go swimming while they kayak, you can also easily jump into the water from your boat without the hassle of taking your shoes off.

Some may believe that being barefoot also gives them a better grip on the boat. This can make getting on and off your kayak easier.

Can You Wear Crocs Kayaking?

Crocs can be used to kayak. While they do tend to make your feet sweaty, which can make them slippery, they do provide support if you end up walking in the shallows. Areas that have coral reefs or certain sea life that you don’t want to step on require special footwear to ensure you can walk safely. Crocs may be able to provide that.

They’re also easy to slip on and off. If you end up deciding that you want to be barefoot, then you can easily remove your crocs as opposed to something like tennis shoes.

The material of crocs also allows them to be submerged in water without taking on too much damage.

What Else Should I Bring Kayaking?

One of the most important things you should bring when you’re kayaking is sunscreen. This is an often-overlooked item that can save you from experiencing severe sunburn. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re kayaking. You may not be aware of how long your skin has been exposed to the sun. Sunscreen will keep you safe.

Even if you plan on doing whitewater rapid running, you should still bring and wear sunscreen lotion. You’re still going to be exposed to the sun.

Another thing you should bring is a watch, preferably one that is waterproof. If you plan on renting a kayak, then you’ll need to know what time it is. Most kayak rentals charge by the hour. You’ll want to be able to time yourself on the water to ensure you can make it back in time.

You’ll also want a waterproof bag. You can put your wallet, cellphone, and other important items within the bag. This bag should either be able to be attached to your back or the front of the kayak. Bring snacks and water to stay hydrated and fueled up for your journey.