How Much Does Snuba Cost?

SNUBA is generally a much more cost-effective pastime than many other forms of diving. This is because there is a great deal less equipment involved in the actual activity. There is also the fact that the average length of a SNUBA dive is about 20 feet. This means that you don’t need special training or certification.

The fact that no training or certifying process is required means that you will not need to spend extra money on these activities. You will generally need to pay for the SNUBA equipment itself. The total amount that you pay for this equipment will depend on the source that you buy it from. It is usually inexpensive.

There is also the cost of a SNUBA guide or instructor to consider. It’s never a good idea to go out SNUBA diving completely by yourself. It’s always best to do so in the company of friends or a SNUBA guide. The cost of the complete SNUBA diving experience will depend on the source. The average cost is $70-$100 per diver.

Cheapest Places In The World To Snuba

There are some fantastic places to experience the pleasures of SNUBA diving in. These places can be accessed at a very low cost. Some of the best of them include the following:

  • Robbie’s of Islamorada in the Florida Keys is well known for providing SNUBA excursions of the lowest cost but highest quality.
  • The Plantation on Crystal River is one of the best low cost sources of SNUBA adventure. Located at the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge in the state of Florida, it’s a top level resort area that provides great food and lodging as well as a state of the art SNUBA experience.
  • Catalina Island, off the coast of California, offers top notch SNUBA tour charters. Catalina Scuba and Snorkel and Snorkeling Catalina are some of the best and most affordable.
  • You can rent a SNUBA raft and equipment at the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park in Florida. Located just north of Key Largo, this is one of the world’s premier locations for snorkeling, scuba, and SNUBA.

Most Expensive Places In The World To Snuba

Some people may prefer to spend a bit more in order to ensure that their SNUBA excursion is of the highest quality. Some of the more high end SNUBA locations may include the following:

  • Bali, in Indonesia, is located in the very heart of the Coral Triangle. Some of the best high end SNUBA charters in this area include Aqua Marine Bali and Pulau Luxury Charters.
  • Milne Bay is located in gorgeous Papua New Guinea. This is the place to find top notch SNUBA activity courtesy of charters such as Lindblad Expeditions or North Star Cruises.
  • The Cook Islands, located near Tahiti, are home to some first class snorkeling, scuba, and SNUBA charters. These come courtesy of the Pacific Resort, Rumours Rarotongam, and Seachange Villas.

There are plenty of other top level locations all across the world for snorkeling, scuba, and SNUBA activity. The areas mentioned above are five star luxury locations that generally cost a bit more to enjoy to the fullest.

The reasons for this are several. There is the travel distance involved as well as the inherent cost of staying at a top luxury location. There is also the fact these charters provide top level equipment along with expert guide supervision.

Is Cheap Snuba Dangerous?

SNUBA is an activity that does not have to be dangerous to any degree whatsoever. But it can present more than its share of challenges if you are not careful. The main thing to take notice of is that you need to stay with your group at all times. By doing so, you will be safer and more accessible to aid from your SNUBA guide.

When it comes to SNUBA diving as a pastime, the set up is very simple. There are not a whole lot of moving parts to deal with. You don’t need to be specially trained or certified to enjoy the experience. However, it does matter where you go to get your SNUBA training and hire a guide. This is an area where it pays to be vigilant.

It isn’t so much that spending as little money as possible is a bad thing. You want to be able to get your money’s worth out of the experience. But you don’t want to put a major dent in your holiday budget. It’s okay to choose a trip with a SNUBA guide that costs you a bit less. But it’s never good for you to try to cut corners on safety.

The SNUBA guide that you deal with needs to be fully trained in all aspects of this pastime. They need to be able to rescue you or call for help if something goes wrong. The equipment that you may rent from them, including your SNUBA gear and flotation raft, need to be top notch. Anything less and you’re putting yourself in danger.

How to Get Your Money’s Worth Out of SNUBA

The best way for you to get your money’s worth of SNUBA is to choose a package that gives you the best value for your dollar. For example, if you head to the Florida Keys on your vacation, it’s a good idea to combine your SNUBA excursion with another vacation package. This way, you get a good deal and a more varied vacation experience.

You can make use of the world wide web in order to find the SNUBA dive package that is best for your personal needs. Doing so will give you access to a safe and enjoyable experience that you will remember for many more years to come. Booking your trip in advance will help you plan your trip and give you plenty of hours to safely SNUBA.