Can You Windsurf On A Lake?

Many people are getting interested in the pastime of windsurfing. This is because it’s much easier in most cases to get accustomed to than regular surfing. The equipment costs less money and the venues for windsurfing are a bit less exclusive. However, there are a few rules that need to be followed to ensure safety.

It is very possible to go windsurfing on a lake. The water in a lake is usually much warmer, which definitely helps. The wind conditions are also usually quite a bit calmer. It’s a good idea to windsurf in areas of the lake that you know are safe. Stay away from rocks, undercurrents, and areas where others are congregating.

Is It Easier To Windsurf On A Lake Vs The Ocean?

The answer to this question will depend largely on your level of experience. Your total level of stamina may also have a lot to do with it. As noted above, the water in a local lake will usually be much warmer. This will affect your ability to stay out in the water expending energy for extended periods of time.

The ocean will naturally have much larger waves. This will certainly make the surfing experience much more exciting for you. However, you need to be careful if you aren’t the strongest swimmer in the world. If you are windsurfing in rough winds, the waves could suddenly increase both in size and strength beyond your ability to cope.

There is also the fact that salt water will affect the lifespan of your wetsuit. The more salt water it comes into contact with, the sooner it will naturally begin to break down. If you don’t have the money to invest in a top quality wetsuit, it may be a good idea for you to stick to lake windsurfing and limit your ocean excursions.

Windsurfing on a lake is generally safer. However, because the winds and the waves are a bit calmer, it may be anticlimactic on some days. There are some lakes where the waves are naturally larger, especially around the Great Lakes of the Midwest. But the tradeoff is that you will have to adjust to a much calmer experience on the lake.

How Big Of A Lake Do You Need?

The lake that you are windsurfing on does not have to be huge. A regular-sized lake is usually quite sufficient for the task. It’s important for you to have enough of an area to maneuver around so that you don’t ram into swimmers, surfers, or sailboats. You also want to be in area close enough to shore so that you can safely swim back.

The good news is that a lake is generally warmer than an ocean. This means that you won’t always need a wetsuit, especially during the warmer spring and summer months. You will still need to look out for rocks, tow currents, and other hazards. The larger the lake you are surfing on, the bigger the waves will be, so stay vigilant.

How Much Wind Do You Need?

You don’t actually need a whole huge amount of wind to windsurf in. Naturally, you will need a bit more than a tiny breeze. But, in general, if you are surfing on the ocean, there is always plenty of wind action to roll the waves over. On the surface of a lake, you’ll need a bit more wind to get going with. 5 to 10 mph usually works fine.

You do need to be careful when you are out on a lake and the winds do begin to pick up. You don’t want to be out surfing in conditions where the wind hits up to 40 mph. Even if the waves on your lake are not generally big, the wind can pick them up and cause them to roll bigger than ever. Your best bet is to come ashore at this point.

A slow and steady wind is always best for surfing in. This makes the waves roll gently under you so that you can catch one and ride it with ease. It will be up to you to monitor the condition of the wind as well as the waves and water currents all around you. Doing so is your best bet to stay safe while enjoying yourself to the fullest.

Where To Get Local Lake Wind Information

One of the key areas of concern will be to make sure that the wind in your area is right for your needs. This will involve a bit of research so that you will know if it is safe to go out windsurfing for the day. There are plenty of places where you can go to get this info. Just make sure your source of info is updated on a regular basis.

You can log on to the official NWS (National Weather Service) website to get all of the latest info on conditions in your area. Your local lake may be part of a park area that has its own site. You can check out plenty of other sites, both local and national, that chart wind conditions. Be sure to pay attention to any safety warnings.

The Top Windsurfing Lakes Of The World

There are a great many lakes all around the world where windsurfing is a regular event. Some of these, such as Lake Tahoe in the north of Nevada in the United States, are well known for their suitability for this sport. There are thousands of eager surfers who come to Lake Tahoe for the express purpose of pursuing this activity.

Other areas of the world, such as Lake Muesiedl in Ausria and a few of the other larger lakes in Europe, are equally renowned for this sport. This is a pastime that has taken off like a rocket all around the world. Lakes everywhere are gearing up to host thousands of people new to this exciting sport.